Sunday, 27 May 2007

The West Coast of Sweden

The good news today is that my computer is speaking English to me again, but it is still sloooow as molasses. And I can only seem to send one picture per posting, though I am trying to circumvent that little inconvenience. We drove out across the southern part of Sweden, dodging lakes and enjoying the green, green landscape. We are now at Taunumshedde right on the coast, and it is raining lightly.

Our only labyrinth stop along the way was at a little chapel in Grinstad, but unfortunately the church was locked up tight and the keyholders were nowhere to be found, so we had to climb onto a bench and peer in through the windows to see the labyrinth fresco painted on the wall. Neat, but the little glimpse only left us hungering for more. Our walk through the churchyard was interesting... everything so neat and tidy! Little gardening organizers (Ikea-style cemetery flat-packs??) were dotted around to give caring loved ones access to basic garden tools and flower needs -- if I am buried when I die, I'd like it to be in a place like this where the graves are so well-tended. I loved reading the Scandinavian names and making up stories in my mind about the people buried here.

From there, we headed into the higher ground near the coast where the trees, hills, and rocky outcroppings remind us of Scotland. Tomorrow we'll go looking for rock carvings, rune stones, burial cairns, and labyirnths. AND rumor has it that some of our group have spotted a wool shop, so you can guess where I'll be heading. (Personally I think they are just hoping I'll knit enough socks to go around!)


Lea said...

So Beautiful! Glad you could post!

Sig said...

I'm enjoy following your journey!


